
That's the plan. Some will be spent along the way - gotta eat, go places and rent some movies.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

LINKDAY: SparkFun Electronics

SparkFun Electronics is an online retail store that sells open source hardware and electronics gadgets. The prices are reasonable with new items coming online everyday.  If you are not sure about an item, there is plenty of customer feedback as well as customer support right from the staff at SparkFun. Another feature of the website allows a project BOM's (Bill of Material) to be created and shared.  If you have a project in mind but not sure what all is needed, these "Wish Lists" can be just what you need to get your project off the ground.

I purchased the electronics for my ShapeOko from SparkFun.

And, I cannot speak for SparkFun (this year), but so far every year they have a HUGE ANNUAL SALE with lots of Give-Aways.  They call it "FREE DAY".  I look forward to this year's event that should be (fingers crossed) in JANUARY 2013.

I have no affiliation with the above mentioned website(s). I only wish to share it.


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